Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Request::$request is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/request.php on line 12Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 7Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 8Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 9Warning: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 10Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Session cookie parameters cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 20Warning: session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/session.php on line 21Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/index.php:98) in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/index.php on line 185Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/customer.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/customer.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$request is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/customer.php on line 16Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Customer::$session is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/customer.php on line 17Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/affiliate.php on line 12Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/affiliate.php on line 13Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$request is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/affiliate.php on line 14Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Affiliate::$session is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/affiliate.php on line 15Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$language is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$request is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Currency::$session is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 11Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/index.php:98) in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/currency.php on line 45Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/tax.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/tax.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Tax::$session is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/tax.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/weight.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Weight::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/weight.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/length.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Length::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/length.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$config is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 6Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$customer is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 7Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$session is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 8Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$db is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 9Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$tax is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 10Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Cart::$weight is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/cart.php on line 11Unknown: Creation of dynamic property Openbay::$logger is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/system/library/openbay.php on line 18Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45Unknown: round(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($num) of type int|float is deprecated in /home1/frioeq36/public_html/rainhapet.com.br/catalog/model/catalog/product.php on line 45 ALIMENTADOR AUTOMATICO PARA PEIXES 6X AO DIA

Alimentador automatico Hailea que pode ser programado para até seis refeições diárias.

Para Ração floculadas ou granuladas.

O alimentador automático Warmtone, alimenta de 1 a 6 vezes por dia, dependendo da quantidade de alimento selecionado.

- Analógico- Funciona com uma pilha AA (inclusa)- Fácil de usar.

- Até 6 programações diárias ( poderá configurar da maneira que quiser )

- Para qualquer tipo de ração (flocos, granulos, etc.).

- Você pode viajar, ou sair de casa por periodos mais longos sem medo de deixas seus peixes com fome.

Acompanha uma pilha teste.

Obs: Será enviado pilha generica , para um bom funcinamento basta troca-la ao acabar .

Volume Aproximado : 100ml de ração 

Produto importado com otima qualidade.

Escreva um comentário

Você deve acessar ou cadastrar-se para comentar.

Alimentador Automatico Para Peixes 6X Ao Dia

  • Marca: Hailea
  • Modelo: HAILEA-WT-180
  • Disponibilidade: 1
  • R$139,00

Simulador de Frete

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